Data Protection, Privacy and Terms of Use
This online statement and other related documents/links describe how EVA CALETKOVA WEBSITE collects, stores and protects personal and sensitive information. We apply certain procedures to protect your privacy and rights. We use personal information to offer the best service to our customers and to improve the website. We use modern technology to keep data safe and communicate clearly when we collect them.
If you have any questions about the data we collect and store, please contact us:
Collection of information
What is Personal data: Personal means information in connection with an identifiable person.
The following data is collected:
- Identity (name, email address, postal address, telephone and mobile numbers)
- Technical (how people use our website)
- Related to our Services (information provided by our clients, information freely available online, for example from the Companies House)
- Marketing (customer preferences, used for promotional activities)
- Financial (bank details, related to the completion of payments)
- Legal (certain data is collected to meet anti-money laundering / AML regulations and meet other legal obligations)
Direct collection of information:
When you decide to contact us, calling or writing to us. Certain information is collected when you complete the online form. We use cookies and tracking. Tracking methods are used to remember information about the website visitor, what they prefer, to optimise the website and enable better use experience. The EVA CALETKOVA WEBSITE uses cookies – these are small text files stored on the web browser or hard drive.
When you visit our website, when you choose browsing it, you consent to cookies. An onscreen cookie message informing you about the use of cookies should be visible.
There are different types of cookies. Some are analytical, counting site visitors, they show user experience and preferences, other enable good functioning of the website.
Please read below about the various types of cookies.
There are session cookies which are temporarily stored during a browsing session to enable a normal use of the system. They are deleted after the browser is closed. Persistent cookies are saved on your computer for a fixed time period, i.e. they aren’t deleted when you close the browser. Such cookies are used to know who you are and remember your preferences when you visit the website again. There are also third-party cookies set by other online services who display content on a page you are viewing.
You can block cookies in activating an option on your browser (visit Google Support for more information). To disable Flash cookies, visit Adobe website for more information.
What happens when the site visitors disable cookies: Disabling cookies may result in certain content being unable to be played via media players and visitors being unable to access parts of the website.
Collection of information that is available publicly:
Certain person related information is publicly available via company websites, Social networks and other. Some third-party platforms may give you the option in settings to restrict access to your information (make it private). We view public available information about people to understand their interests and their (business-related) activities.
Messaging services (Facebook messenger, WhatsApp etc): Such services are third-party services with their Terms of Use. We have no control over the way they store data and who can access data. Personal or sensitive information shared through messaging services (or Social media) is done at own risk. We recommend reading their Terms of Use and guidelines.
The use of information
We collect information to:
- provide and optimise our services
- enter into contract and complete contractual obligations
- meet legal obligations and requirements
- promote our products and services
At EVA CALETKOVA WEBSITE we collect your personal information to provide you with the best services, information and solutions. The information collected and stored enables us to react to your questions and needs fast, and accurate. Only the persons directly involved in communication with you access your data to find the most suitable solution to create win-win. Uninvolved people have no access to your personal data. We use modern technology and tools to protect all records we store.
Certain information is used to enter into contracts. Some information is used to communicate with our accountant and lawyer to meet legal requirements and pay tax. As far as permitted by the law we will anonymise data we give to the above professionals.
According to law, activities which may relate to bribery, fraud, terrorist funding and money laundering must be reported.
The promotion of our products and services: You can opt out and choose not to receive promotional material anymore. This won’t affect the regular communication related to contractual obligations, administration and reacting to questions. Contact us anytime if you are receiving promotional material you aren’t interested in.
The administrator of the EVA CALETKOVA WEBSITE takes care of regular site updates and provides reports about the site performance. Google Analytics and other analytics tools for site administrators / webmasters show the website traffic, number of visitors (new and repeated visits), sessions, devices visitors use, their location. We optimise our website because responsive design and new tech enable excellent content display on the device of your choice (laptop, iPad, PC, smartphone).
How long is the information stored
We follow standard practices of business to store information. The accounting and law require information/documentation/receipts/invoices to be kept for a certain amount of years.
Data subject access request: You have the right to contact us about the information we have about you. Upon your request, we update information about you. Upon your request, we delete information we store about you – as far as permitted by law. Our data protection procedures are based on Data Protection Act and GDPR.
Why and how is information about you shared
We share your personal information with third parties mainly with your knowledge, including you in the process. When providing our services includes professionals who offer supporting services, create printing or marketing material. In order to improve our services, we might contact a specialist to conduct a research, write a report with trends. To protect privacy of individuals we aim at anonymisation of data. To meet legal obligations, we share data with government agencies and authorities the way they request, based on legal procedures.
The above third parties are informed to collect, store and use data to protect individuals. Under no circumstances we would sell personal data to third parties.
Legal basis for our actions
Data Protection Act.
GDPR (The General Data Protection Regulation) applicable since 25th of May, 2018. According to GDPR, you have the following rights:
- To contact us about the correction of information we store about you
- To contact us, to inform you about data we keep about you
- To request deletion of your data (but respecting legal requirements).
- To ask how your personal information is processed
What is consent? Consent in connection with data collection and use means, that you are asked to share personal information for a specific use, and you have the choice to agree or refuse such collection. Consent further means that information you shared can be withdrawn upon your request.
The team at EVA CALETKOVA WEBSITE understands the Data Protection Act and GDPR. Our procedures and actions are based on legal requirements and we handle your data files responsibly, with due care. All files and documents stored online and offline are protected against loss, damage, unauthorised access. Regular updates and checks support our effort to protect personal and sensitive data.
Disputes: This website and all Services provided are subject to the Law of England and all matters will be dealt at the courts of England.
Terms of Use
The EVA CALETKOVA WEBSITE is freely available and can be viewed anytime by people who have Internet access.
Entering, browsing and using this website means that you read and accepted our Terms of Use. This website aims at adults, not children. Minors can only access content either pre-approved by their parent or guardian, or access the content accompanied by them.
The website visitors and users are not allowed to
- reproduce the whole website or any of its contents for not pre-approved purposes by the owner. Any approval requires written form and is legally binding. Fraudulent behaviour will be reported, and legal steps will be taken to stop the use of not pre-approved contents, to minimise damages and restore good reputation
- link to the website without contacting the owner to seek and receive approval by the owner in written form
- copy or transmit written, visual or any other content from the website to third parties prior to written approval
When you choose to browse and read the EVA CALETKOVA WEBSITE you do so respecting all applicable laws and regulations. We protect our designs, products, materials and will take legal steps against unauthorised use. It’s important to understand the importance of intellectual property rights/IPR, trademarks, copyrights and rights of third parties to act accordingly and avoid disputes.
We don’t allow any abusive, fraudulent, vulgar, threatening or hateful communication and behaviour related to communication with us, our website, products and services.
Information on this website is provided for general information and orientation. It shouldn’t replace the advice given by health or any other professionals.
Our website administrator updates the website regularly and this statement when we ask them to. Although our efforts include regular updating of our contents, we make neither warranties nor guarantees that the contents are accurate, complete and updated.
If you have any questions, please contact us:
Photos of Eva via Lucia Rusinakova Photography.